
Textile Design
Lauren Lesley
Textile Design
Lauren Lesley
Famous Textile Designers - 5 of the Most Famous and Influential Textile Designers of All Time
Famous Textile Designers are important to know so that you can sound like an expert in the field of textile design.
In this video, you'll learn about 5 different famous textile designers in history.

Textile Design
Lauren Lesley
Textile Design
Lauren Lesley
How to Become a Textile Designer - Become a Textile Designer in 7 easy steps!
Are you interested in fulfilling your creative career dreams to become a Textile Designer without a degree but don't know where to start?!?
Allow me to teach you today how to effectively build your skill set to become a beautifully creative Textile Designer or Surface Designer. Follow these 7 easy tips and tricks to get you on the right path towards becoming a successful Textile Designer. Anyone can do it; it’s that easy!

Textile Design
Lauren Lesley
Textile Design
Lauren Lesley
Textile Design Jobs | Types of Textile Design Jobs (TOP 10 LIST!!)
Learn about the different types of Textile Design Jobs with my Top 10 list!
In this episode of the Design Tribe podcast, I'm chatting with Ilana and Katie from Loomier about pricing your work as an illustrator, surface pattern designer, or hand-lettering artist.
The surface pattern design industry can be opaque especially around pricing and especially if you're new to the industry. Thankfully, more and more artists are sharing their knowledge about how to price your designs, what you should be charging clients, what kinds of royalties are normal for art licensing, and how to uplift the industry standards for pricing so that all artists can make a decent salary and the living they deserve! :)